Interactive Media Consulting, LLC has assembled a team of professionals ready to help you with any project. On staff, in our Saratoga Springs office, you will find designers, programmers, front-end developers, and customer support representatives. All projects are handled in-house, with minimal outsourcing and no off-shoring.
22 Years
22 years ago, I took a leap of faith. I had just finished graduate school and looking for a job. After a few people told me they could use me as a consultant, I started a consulting company. The first project I got was for a website. The rest, as they say, is history. I focused on websites for a long time — I even had a local business leader tell me I was wasting my time because the internet was “just a fad.” That fad is still here and definitely not going anywhere.
18 years ago, I added my first employees.
In the past 22 years, we have built close to 300 websites. We currently host 200 websites. We are most proud of the 20 non-profit organizations we have helped.
As times changed, so did we. IMC also offers print design, branding, email marketing, and social media consulting/management.
Here’s to seeing what the next 22 years will bring!