
Back-up…Move Forward

OH NO! Two words you do not want to ever utter when sitting down at your

Whatever the reason your computer system was struck by disaster – human error-
cyber attack – weather – it’s all about the backup. Your reaction to the event will go
one of two ways:

Panic followed by panic
Panic followed by relief

To ensure the latter, it is critical that you have a plan and a secure data backup and
storage system on a separate platform to protect against data loss and damage to
your business. A secure system will ensure that you are able to maintain operations
and move forward with minimal or no negative impact.

No matter what backup method you choose, the best plan includes regularly
scheduled back-ups at both a primary and a remote location.

What is your backup and recovery plan? Don’t have one? Do the research and take
the steps today. Tomorrow could be too late.

IMC offers secure hosting services and affordable maintenance programs. Contact us today for more
details. https://imediaconsult.com/services/website-hosting-support/