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Facebook: Pages, Profiles, & Groups… Oh My!

Although Facebook has over 2 billion monthly active users, confusion still surrounds the different products Facebook offers. Profiles, Pages, and Groups – each incorporating their own features – are Facebook products whose uses are commonly misunderstood. To gain a better understanding of Facebook and its functions, here’s a breakdown of the products, their features, and benefits of using each.


Facebook Profiles are intended for personal use. This is where you post statuses, photos, videos, and information about yourself. Every action made through your profile will be done as an individual. Actions include comments, posts, likes, etc.

Benefits of Profiles
Profiles allow you to:
  • connect with family, friends, and your community
  • upload your own individual status updates, photos, videos, etc.
  • follow and receive updates on your favorite businesses, organizations, public figures, etc.
  • access the ability to create and manage your own Pages, Groups, and Events*
  • gain access to Facebook’s Messenger function

*You MUST have an individual profile to be able to create content using Pages, Groups, and Events.

Don’t want users to see your name associated with posts made through Pages and Groups? Don’t worry! Only Page or Group administrators can see which individual administrator created each post through Pages and Groups. All other users or followers only see that said Page or Group has posted.


Facebook Pages are a great way for businesses, brands, public figures, nonprofits, and more to connect with their customers and fans. Pages can be liked, reviewed, and even shared. As a Page administrator, you also have the ability to invite people to “like” your Page. Once a customer or fan “likes” a Facebook Page they will begin receiving updates from that Page.

Facebook Pages can have multiple administrators that are able to post as the Page – whether that is directly to the Page itself, or as a comment on a post.

Every action made through Pages by an administrator will be done as the Page. Actions include comments, posts, likes, etc.

Benefits of Pages

Pages allow for businesses, organizations, public figures, etc. to:

  • connect with customers, fans, and others
  • communicate through both posts and the Facebook’s Messenger function
  • create a public presence for free
  • track their Page Insights to learn more about their audience and how to expand their presence on Facebook


Facebook Groups serve as a space for people with shared interests and opinions to communicate. Groups can be created for different clubs you’re a member of (sewing club, book club, dance club, etc.), people or places you’re a fan of (Beyoncé fan group, Disney World fan group, etc.), or anything to bring people together that you would like to communicate with and receive specific updates from. For example, are you a creative looking to network, share work and experiences, ask questions, learn, and grow? If so, Arts Spark Creatives is the perfect Group for you!

Although a multitude of Facebook Groups that appeal to your interests likely already exist, you always have the ability to create your own Groups that allow you to connect with people of your choosing.  

Benefits of Groups

Groups allow you to:

  • communicate with others about shared interests and specific topics
  • share information with your desired amount of people
  • manage and control privacy settings and member access


Facebook Events can also be confusing for many users. Events can be created directly from Profiles, Pages, and Groups, and can be generated for different occasions like birthday parties, bridal showers, organizational events, concerts, etc.

Benefits of Events

Events allow you to:

  • organize and respond to gatherings with set dates
  • manage event settings, allowing it to be public or private
  • RSVP to events, and check to see who has RSVP’d to your event
  • select the people you wish to invite
  • share the event in a post to increase event awareness


Whether for personal use, professional use, or somewhere in between, Facebook provides the tools necessary to meet the needs of users. What may have once been confusing about Profiles, Pages, and Groups is hopefully now better understood. Start using Facebook to its full potential today!


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