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Gravity Forms
Accepting Check and Credit Card Payments
Accepting Check and Credit Card Payments
This issue was first seen on Allowing both check and credit card payments on the same form will result in a duplicate total. The duplicate total will appear in the backend of Gravity Forms (entries) and in notification emails. However, the correct total will be sent to the payment gateway (only seen while using Authorize.Net). Another issue you may see with this is when trying to submit the form you get an error saying all fields are not filled out.
To correct this issue you need to create two separate forms and two separate pages (one for each form).
The first form should be for check payments and should not include the credit card field. You will need to set up two confirmations for this field. A text confirmation that will appear if a user chooses to pay by check, and a page confirmation that redirects the user to a page. This redirect will go to the page with the credit card form. You will need to pass data from the first form to the second form using the Pass Field Data Via Query String option on the page confirmation screen for the first form. Your query string will look similar to below:
company_affiliation={Company Affiliation:34}&
first_name={Name (First):6.3}&
last_name={Name (Last):6.6}&
address_street_1={Address (Street Address):11.1}&
address_street_2={Address (Address Line 2):11.2}&
address_city={Address (City):11.3}&
address_state={Address (State / Province):11.4}&
address_zip={Address (ZIP / Postal Code):11.5}&
address_country={Address (Country):11.6}&
sponsorship_level={Sponsorhip Levels:33}
The number at the end of each line represents the field ID, this will need to be replaced.
To use this data on the second form you need to go to the Advanced tab of a field and check the Allow field to be populated dynamically box, this will allow you to use the data you passed to the form. If you wanted to use the company affiliation in a field on the second for you would put company_affiliation as the Parameter Name.