

Keeping Tabs

Keeping Tabs

Here is a quick techy trick that gives this old idiom a new and relevant meaning.  Way back before computers, keeping tabs meant “keeping a close watch over or keeping track...

Clear The Way!

Clear The Way!

Have you ever spent time making changes to your website only to find that when you were finished, not all of your changes and updates were visible? You may be seeing an...

Back-up…Move Forward

Back-up…Move Forward

Back-up...Move Forward OH NO! Two words you do not want to ever utter when sitting down at your computer. Whatever the reason your computer system was struck by disaster -...

To DIY or NOT to DIY

To DIY or NOT to DIY

Your Website - DIY or Hire An Expert Everywhere you turn, there are ads for Do It Yourself (DIY) website builders. Potential clients are led to believe that they can come up...

Pick & Choose Your Plug-Ins

Pick & Choose Your Plug-Ins

More plugins don’t automatically result in a more functional website. In fact, installing too many plugins can actually make your site slower. Plus, including the extra code...

Facebook Is Not Your Website Part Two

Facebook Is Not Your Website Part Two

Businesses Without A Website Lose Market Share In today’s world, websites are a key factor in the success and longevity of doing business. If your company does not have a...